Biz dünyadan gider olduk_ Murat Coskun Solo
Solo Program "Rhythms of Life"
Murat Coşkun scoops out of his own tradition, the Turkish-Oriental music, combining his experiences with elements of the modern occidental music. Emanating from this is a kind of music that overcomes with a chuckle rigid concepts of „tradition“ or „modernity“.
The solo program of Murat Coşkun is a very headstrong declaration of love to frame drums. He traces the playful ways of expression, the aesthetic and the euphonies of his different percussion instruments and lets himself inspire by them. Also by means of the voice, he creates an intimate dialogue with his instruments, his ideas melt through his drums with easiness and fresh pleasure for acoustic and “handmade” music.
The listeners will be abducted into unknown worlds, into other times, but Murat Coşkun always creates sounds to be directly experienced, to be heard and even to be seen in front of the inner eye. The music gets a very special own identity, which is adopted by the musician. His music shows off the relatedness of human beings with rhythm but also the constant research after new ways of expression in sound and movement. It is at the same time inspiring, euphonious, improvised, well composed, challenging and very entertaining.
Press commentaries:
„Strong, amazingly versatile fingers are the base of this impressive concert for which the audience thanked with a long lasting applause.”
“The audience is enthralled, it feels like the sound of Coskuns drums transfers them into another world. Evoking a contrast bath of feelings, the drum sounds go through a lot of ups and downs and certainly make the audience laugh.”
Basler Zeitung, 11/99
"...Due to this, Murat Coskun is able to grant unknown sound qualities to these sober instruments. In doing so, he offers new hearing experiences to the audience.”
"...Crossing borders between archaic sounding tradition and avant garde modernity...”
Badische Zeitung, 2/2002
"The hands and fingers of Coskuns often could not be distinguished. They melt together with the skins and frames of the drums, the wooden spoons and a variety of other percussion instruments into a mental and musical unity.”
Maintal, 09/2013